Kairology Community Study

  • 14 June 2017
  • Ian Williams

Part 1: Personhood

Introductory Session (optional)

Session 1: Blueprint of Personhood – personhood from God’s design and purpose

Session 2: Personhood Purpose and Context -  personhood from self-perspective

Session 3: Male and Female Relationships – purpose, roles and responsibilities

Session 4: The Person You Are – self-awareness, attributes and change

Session 5: New Person in Practice – applying the changes and having support

 Part 2: Marriage

Session 6: Model of Marriage – marriage from God’s design and purpose

Session 7: Connecting and Establishing – relationship for the journey

Session 8: Love and Sex – getting it right

Session 9: Maintenance and Growth – communication and conflict

Session 10: Renewing and Leading – stages of family life

 Part 3: Parenthood

Session 11: Model and Role of Parent – parenthood from God’s design and purpose

Session 12: Connecting – being present and real

Session 13: Leading The Family – you and your household

Session 14: Love, Discipline and Coaching – balance and communication

Session 15: Renewing Parenthood – role modelling and putting things right


The Kairology Community Study is focused on self-understanding, exploring how to improve partner/spouse relationships, and how to work on being a great parent. 

Here is our Kairology Community Study (78 pages) for you to download, save and/or print off.


About Ian Williams

Ian A. Williams - Kairos Development Ltd Ian is highly regarded in coaching people within organisations and on a personal level. His inspiration and purpose come from personal convictions about building quality and purpose in working life.

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