What is Kairology®?
The principle and purpose of Kairos Development (Kairology®) is to make timely interventions, and for people to make meaningful organisation and personal changes for themselves and others. Kairos is a critical intersection point, when opportunity and action meet. It's a time of accomplishment, a favourable moment for change, serving both personal satisfaction and effectiveness, and business bottom line. Fees are charged on the basis of 'not for profit', in order to support the community work we do with the Kairology programmes.
Time is our driver in work and in life. We are largely dominated by linear or chronological time, in Greek, chronos. This is the time that drives and dictates our diaries, watches, deadlines and plans. There is another kind of time in Greek called kairos. This is not measured time but a time we sense when we are not driven by the clock, the time where space to develop and transform ways of thinking and performing occurs.
Kairos is the opportune or right time for an event or intervention. It is also known as the ‘time between’ – a brief moment to grasp an opportunity that may be available only once. The meaning of Kairos is also associated with life seasons, such as the reaching of adult maturity.
Meaningful life and relationships need both chronos and kairos.
Kairology – time for personal growth is a book that explores how we take the opportunity to develop and grow at the right moment. The book is an inspirational journey for personal growth in an easy-read format related to the traditional playing card deck. Hearts is ‘passion’, clubs is ‘people’, spades is ‘purpose’, and diamonds is ‘potential’. The book was launched in June 2008. It is supplemented by a full coaching card programme by Kairos Coaching Cards, available in hard copy or e-book. Find out how to purchase these products here.
Diagnostic Needs Analysis (DNA)
Getting to the right issues through needs analysis is paramount – before launching into assumptions and solutions. This is the essence of strategic leadership. Our unique diagnostic model and process is aligned with business excellence, quality management and investing in people. This is no random invention; it comes from wide practical experience as an HR specialist, consultant, and business operator.
Ian has international experience in diagnostic work in all sectors. The aim is to get a real picture of what works well in an organisation, and what needs attention. This is gathered from key infomation and by talking confidentially to a wide range of people, presenting the findings to boards and senior executives, and producing with them an action plan for targeted change and improvements linked to strategic and business plans.
There is no ‘one size fits all’ product, but a range of tools that we tailor to your needs, through effective diagnosis and consultation. No two client needs are the same, and no two interventions are the same. We ensure that support for individuals and organisations are unique, and not an ‘off the shelf’ standard consultancy approach.
The components of the Kairology diagnostic needs analysis (DNA) are:
- Strategy & planning
- Customers
- Roles, values & behaviours
- Leadership
- People resources
- Learning, & growth
- Care
- Performance
- Innovation, review & continuous improvement
- Impact
The diagnostic process helps deliver effective solutions to questions like:
- The organisation culture is not in line with our business values. How do I influence that?
- What is it really like to work here, and how can I make it better?
- How can I get managers to take more initiative and responsibility?
- Am I getting the best value for the money I spend on wages and salaries?
Contact Ian for more information or to book an appointment.
HR Strategy and Leadership
Ian has extensive experience in enabling organisations to find appropriate HR solutions that directly support their overall organisation strategy. The key to making effective HR impact is having clear links to the overall plans that teams and individuals understand, so that they can contribute effectively. Appropriate leadership at each level is paramount. We work through a diagnostic approach to ensure focus on issues that are key to successful change and development. We then work alongside leadership teams to:
- find appropriate solutions and make necessary change
- focus and develop people in the right direction to work together effectively
- coach, develop and support people in achieving results
Contact Ian for help in linking strategic plans to real HR issues, and getting middle management aligned and consistent.
Are you somewhat lost, and not sure of next steps in life and business?
Is life at the top leaving you feeling isolated and misunderstood?
Have you been promoted but not really sure you are enjoying the job, or feeling inadequate or less than confident?
Our team and 1-1 coaching experience ranges from working with top management, key leaders, and individuals on a personal and/or professional basis. Coaching is geared towards enabling individuals to be able to improve their personal confidence and performance, and to be able to coach others so that there is continuity and added value from a coaching relationship. We provide the tools that enable individuals to self-coach so that they can operate independently, without ongoing coaching costs.
Sometimes it is beneficial to work with a team on some key leadership and communication issues, combined with 1-1 coaching, so that learning and change is practical, effective and embedded.
In addition Ian specialises in coaching men. This is because he has found a particular need for men that is not being fulfilled currently, in the context of a range of social, health and well-being issues. Men rarely seek help, and yet they are often the ones in most need.
Contact Ian for mentoring and coaching support.
Training and development
Are you getting the best value from your spend on training?
Need to get better value and stronger results and application from training?
Is training & development explicitly and clearly linked to your strategic goals, and/or the skills you need your people to demonstrate?
The development of people is key to their personal success, and the success of teams, organisations, societies and families in which they live and work. We have a range of unique and powerful development tools. The main focus is on leadership, team building, effective communication, building confidence and self-management. We also have a range of associates to whom we can refer particular projects or needs.
Contact Ian for more information or to book an appointment.