Leadership and Leadership Development
Leaders bring vision, faith and courage to co-ordinated effort.
Appropriate leadership at every level is paramount. Ian is associated with John Adair, a world-renowned authority, author and adviser on leadership, and the world’s first professor of leadership. Ian’s personal take on leadership combines John Adair’s approach with his own Kairology tools, which are strongly endorsed by John. The objective is calm, effective, engaged leadership.
The Kairology diagnostic tool ensures a focus on issues that are key to successful change and development. The outcome involves working with the senior leadership team to find appropriate solutions and make necessary changes. Ian assists to align, focus and develop people, to work together effectively, and to coach, develop and support each other in achieving results.
No two client needs or interventions are the same. Ian ensures that his support for an organisation is unique, and not an ‘off the shelf’ standard consultancy approach. He has worked globally with high profile clients in the private and public sectors, assisting them in achieving desired results.
Ian has wide experience in enabling organisations to find appropriate leadership and HR solutions that directly support their overall organisation strategy. The key to making effective impact is having clear links to the overall plans that teams and individuals understand, so that they can contribute effectively. His passion is in having the right information about your needs, and supporting interventions and programmes with effective evaluation.
Ask yourself these questions:
- Is everyone aligned and going in the same direction, and what are leaders doing to facilitate this?
- Do you have a common philosophy and shared leadership values?
- What are the different leadership needs between individuals, teams and the organisation?
- How do you provide the right kind of feedback and motivation, improve the quality of leaders and have consistent leadership practices?
If you are struggling to answer any or all of these questions, Ian can help! Contact Ian for more information.
Organisation Development & Standards
No organisation can stand still, or would want to. To progress you need a balance of continuity and change. That includes people, but also the systems and processes that people operate, the finances, legal issues, product development and marketing. Successful organisations don’t go it alone. They use a number of tools to help them.
Standards we recommend and use include Investors in People and Business Excellence – and we ensure that we walk the talk as well as advise and guide others. This is done through assessment, advisory work, training, coaching and mentoring. Investors in People is the only international quality standard focused primarily on people and their contribution to an organisation. Ian is a qualified and very experienced assessor and adviser.
Organisation development is always about growth, learning, quality and improvement. We focus on getting clarity of purpose for the organisation, ensuring that it's understood at all levels, and is integrated into roles and responsibilities. We gather good diagnostic information, and help you to plan the way forward.
Kairology® will make recommendations and interventions that have everyone working in the right direction, and to clear goals and values. This will often raise learning and development issues that we help you to address effectively. Diagnostic analysis is the key tool we use in organisation development, but there are a range of additional total quality tools and techniques that we are also able to offer.
We have experience in Total Quality, Business Excellence, Investors in People, and a range of other techniques and approaches that combine to give you the best results, depending upon the needs identified. We also have a number of trusted professional associates to enable a combined and seamless solution.
“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” – Henry Ford
Further reading:
“If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” – Isaac Newton